Ingredient Catalogue



Our Geteme honey is sourced from Sheka Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the Sheno Begati Cooperative) and Kafa Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the woman-led Andinet Cooperative).

This light-coloured monofloral honey comes from an indigenous tree, Geteme (Schefflera abyssinica), which serves as an important shade tree in Ethiopia's invaluable coffee growing forests.

The Geteme tree flourishes in high altitude sub-tropical forests and blooms between April and May, with harvests in May to June.



Produced in partnership with mangrove forest communities in Kwale County on the Mombasa coast, specifically, Amani Jipange Beach Management Unit (BMU) and Tsunza BMU. This project provides a unique opportunity for women and youth as coastlines have historically been dominated by fishermen.

Honey produced from Rhizophora mucronara (dominantly) and passively through a few other mangrove species found along the Kenyan coast.

Historically, mangrove honey has been used as a form of traditional medicine to treat a variety of health ailments.



Our Geteme beeswax is sourced from the same partners farmers who produce Geteme honey across Sheka Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the Sheno Begati Cooperative) and Kafa Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the woman-led Andinet Cooperative).

Smallholder farmers/beekeepers produce honey with us through mostly traditional beehives hung up in trees, with some honey production via “modern” box hives. In-factory production involves heat/cold press separation, melting, sanitizing, filtering, and moulding.



Our Geteme beeswax is sourced from the same partners farmers who produce Geteme honey across Sheka Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the Sheno Begati Cooperative) and Kafa Forest Biosphere Reserve (partnering with the woman-led Andinet Cooperative).

Smallholder farmers/beekeepers produce honey with us through mostly traditional beehives hung up in trees, with some honey production via “modern” box hives. In-factory production involves heat/cold press separation, melting, sanitizing, filtering, and moulding.



We source our coffee from the Kedemai Cooperative (est. 2018) that is located 25 km from Agaro town, and organized under the Kata Maduga Farmers Coop Union. Loans from local banks allowed the 180 founding members of Kedemai to construct a washing station and purchase equipment.

Agaro is known for it’s heirloom varietals that have been tended to by generations of farmers. Though there’s little written conten on these specific varietals, this partical kind play a monumental role in it’s cup quality and have a memorable floral personality.



Our gum arabica is sourced from the Meteme area within the North Gondar Zone. There are five major cooperatives whose livelihoods depend on gum arabica and other resin production: Tach Lemlem Terara, Lay Lemlem Terara, Gundo, Das, and Agam Wuha.

Usually mature trees, four to six meters high and five to twenty-five years old, are tapped by making incisions in the branches and stripping away bark. The gum starts to collect in the wound within three to eight weeks, dependent on the weather conditions.



Our frankincense is sourced from the Meteme area within the North Gondar Zone similar to where we source our gum arabica (Tach Lemlem Terara, Lay Lemlem Terara, Gundo, Das, and Agam Wuha).

To collect frankincense, harvesters make incisions into the trunks and scrape off the oozing sap, which hardens into frankincense resin. The trees are usually not 'tapped' no more than 12 times a year to keep them healthy.



Shea, also known as “Women’s Gold”, is sourced and processed by women (Karikis Womens Association). Tapping into this centuries-old, know-how and craftsmanship to produce a consistently superior product is key to the success of our end product, Grade A shea butter.

Pure unrefined shea butter has been used by the local African communities for generations as it protects, nourishes and moisturises. Our raw or unrefined shea butter is processed in Eco-Processing Centres without the use of any chemicals.